The Android store has always had the ability to upload app videos but now Apple is doing the same with its iOS8 upgrade. It will allow you to upload app explainer videos. These explainer videos will give you the ability to convince viewers with the strongest marketing tool there is: video. However, the hard part of doing this is that you must plan it well since they allow you a very limited time to explain your app. The shorter the video the harder it is to plan. Luckily you can use services such as that have many app explainer video templates setup for doing app explainer videos. With these professional app video templates you can create your app video in nothing flat and they will really save a great deal of time planning your video. However, for those that want to create a custom app explainer video, here are 7 tips on how to create your killer app video.
Killer App Video Tip 1: Define Your Content Well
Since the video must provide only the top features of your app in a very short format you must plan it very well. App explainer videos should be no more than 15-30 seconds and that means very little content so you must whittle down to the most essential components. First choose your top 7 unique selling points (UPSs) and then choose the top 3-4 to use in the video.
Killer Explainer Video Tip 2: Write a Script
Even if you use Raw Short’s video templates to speed your video production up, you will still need a script to tie it all together. A script for a 30 second video should be no more than 75 words. This as little as a very short paragraph of material. Be concise and speak only of the USPs you created in Tip 1. Make sure to practice voicing the script to make it sure it sounds good when spoken out loud and that it can be read in 30 seconds or less without sounding rushed.
Killer App Video Tip 3: Record a Voiceover
A voiceover gives your video that extra level of quality and credibility. If you are going to record it yourself make sure you are in a quiet area and we recommend perhaps a clothes closet or just draping a blanket over your head to gain good clarity. If you go the professional way you can get a good voice over for just $5 at but you can also find other for about $100-$200 at .
Killer Explainer Video tip 4: Produce your Video
Nothing can be simpler to produce your animated explainer video than using Either using their templates or creating your animated video from scratch will speed up your video production, but there are other methods of doing so. For example with an iPhone using iOS8 you just need to use your Lightning connector plugged to your computer and stream the action on the phone to your computer. Make sure to have a few extra takes so you do not have to go back to record something last minute.
Killer App Video Tip 5: Edit Your Video
If you use Raw Shorts there is not much editing of the video since it is a video production tool and editing tool at the same time. What you see is what you get when you are creating your video. If not make sure to use a good video editing tool such as Final Cut Pro, iMovie, Screenflow or your favorite video editor. Be sure to include a title card and an end card. The end card should include a call to action. Also add some animation features to spruce it up but remember each animation feature takes more or less a second so use them sparingly.
Killer Explainer Video Tip 6: Jazz Up Your App Video with Music
While using is not strictly needed, it does add a certain level of sophistication and it does stir the emotions of the viewer. If you can add an upbeat piece of music it will certainly help jazz up your video. You can get stock music from many places on the net, some free and some that cost as little as $50.
Killer App Video Tip 7: Upload the Video
Apple has certain guidelines for these so many sure that you follow them closely since they are very picky. For example video size iPhone: 640×1136 (or 1136×640 for landscape mode) or iPad: 900×1200. Also make sure and this is very important to include a killer poster frame or thumbnail for the video so it helps convince people to watch the video.