Videos are a part of everyone’s internet usage, meaning that video consumption is evolving just as quickly as the internet, and especially social media, evolve.
In order to optimize your video content, it’s best to know just how people are watching videos. This will also help you know how, when, and where to post in order to catch the attention of as many of your consumers as possible.
Here are some results on modern-day video consumption and what that means for you.

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Most Video Consumption is on Mobile
Social media has become a normal part of most people’s day, whether it’s browsing Facebook on the subway, scrolling through Twitter before bed, or checking Instagram to keep up to date with your friends’ travels.
Videos pop up pretty frequently through the experience, and it’s easy to quickly watch a video.
Because of this, you’re going to want to post videos that are quick to watch and can be generally understandable without sound, as many people scroll when they aren’t able to play videos out loud. You also want your description to catch your consumers’ eyes so that they’ll pause their scrolling to give your video a watch.
Video Content Optimizes Sales
Producing videos is an efficient and enticing way to sell your brand. In a world that values time, making content easy to quickly digest is the way to catch people’s attention, and video can portray information in a fast and visually pleasing manner.
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Representing the tone and voice of your brand is much easier to accomplish when you’re able to use audio, visuals, text, and more to really highlight what you have to offer. If you can wrap it all up into a quick video that is easily accessible on mobile, you’re going to see results.
Male Millennials Watch Most
Obviously, millennials are the ones that are on their phones the most, so it makes sense that they’d be the ones to watch more videos than the rest.
If you’re really just looking to get your video out to as many people as possible, the best chance you’ll have is probably targeting your videos towards men ages 25-34.
However, you do have to keep in mind the audience you need to reach through your content. If you’re just looking for as many views as possible, this is the way to go.
Twitter is a Huge Video Host
Many think of Twitter as the classic (now) 280 character text boxes, but Twitter users are watching a large amount of video content through the app. Making videos
Twitter-friendly is a smart thing to do, keeping in mind that Twitter is a place of simplicity. Those scrolling through Twitter don’t often stop to watch long videos, unless the topic really sparks their interest.
Also, remember the audience that tends to be on the app. This is a really good tool to target a younger audience. That also means that you want to tap into the humorous side of things if possible. Many brand Twitter accounts are becoming well-known for their shocking and hilarious content, and that’s what tends to go viral.
YouTube Has a Lot of Viewers
YouTube was the first majorly successful video platform, and it dominates the industry when it comes to strictly video content.
This is where you can express your brand in greater detail in longer videos, as most people are settling down for a while to put in the time to watch videos.
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This is also a source for a wide range of viewers, as there’s a larger age range and type of consumer here. This, however, is also a place where humor can go a long way. Additionally, there is a high demand for videos explaining, reviewing, and evolving products, and especially how to DIY.
Facebook is Also a Leader in the Video Industry
Facebook is an app that tends to have a different audience than what you would see on Twitter or Instagram.
Younger people have begun to migrate off of the site, leaving the app with the older generations and those who are maintaining a way to keep up with family, coworkers, and extended friends.
It also has longer content, as this site is often used not just on a mobile device like the other apps tend to lean, but also on actual computers. This means that people are more likely to stop and look at your video, scroll through the comments, and perhaps even check out your Facebook page.
Mobile Viewers Tend to Share Videos
This is another perk of posting videos that are mobile-friendly. It’s easy for them to click share on a video for all of their followers to see, but also to send directly to friends and family that they believe will be interested in what you have to say.
A tip when aiming for these results is to make your video easily understandable for a wide variety of viewers. You never know who will stumble across your video shared by a friend and what their prior knowledge will be.
Snapchat is Quickly Dominating
Videos on Snapchat are getting almost twice as much traction as videos on other platforms.
This is an easy one to burst into, as most people on Snapchat are primarily looking at videos and other images. It’s also an opportunity to divide videos into easily digestible slides.
Again, this is heavily dominated by younger people, so it’s important to have a good handle on all of Snapchat’s features. This will allow you to fully optimize your usage and to make your content interactive and attractive.
Personalizing Videos Has Positive Results
Working on gathering enough accurate data in order to personalize your videos is going to make your consumers more likely to click on the video in the first place and then be able to relate to it.
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This allows the viewer to really understand exactly how your product or brand is going to be beneficial to them. This will also help you get the most bang out of your buck when optimizing your video content results.
Engagement through personalization seems to be the future of marketing, and video and website optimization is an easy way to portray that. Irrelevant marketing content is annoying, turning people away from your brand, but relevant information is helpful, and they’ll be much more likely to open your marketing email with a relevant video.
Use Raw Shorts to Create Personalized Video Content!
If you’re looking for ways to optimize your video content in order to improve your marketing results, Raw Shorts has tips and tricks to help you find the best ways to reach your consumers. Check out our other infographics, or reach out for advice.