Increase your video marketing budget now. Do not wait, do it right way and start pushing out quality business videos as fast as you can do it. Create a video for each and every piece of content you create because it will help you reach the most important audience in mobile and make your video marketing a greater success.
According to Cisco, last year the 2014 statistics of mobile video traffic was already over 50%, 55% to be exact. We have been telling you the importance of video marketing for a long time, and this just seals it. If last year most of the mobile traffic was in the form of video and video will grow even more, then you must increase your video marketing budget now. Cisco projects a 13 fold increase in mobile video growth. This means that by 2019, the total mobile traffic credited to video will be a whopping 79%. This means that the most important content on the web and mobile will be video and you need to gear up to meet the challenge. Video marketing is becoming the most important marketing trend in the entire digital space.
Cisco’s Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update: 2014–2019 confirms the facts that video traffic increased 69% last year and is set to explode even further in the next 4 years to come. Already there are more mobile connected devices than there are people in the planet and they are consuming video content. Make your business videos part of that huge growth spurt by increasing your video marketing budget and start producing business videos now. An easy and inexpensive, in fact free way of producing professional quality business videos is to use services like which allows anyone even with no special video experience to produce professional quality business videos for free, low cost, and very very quickly. Your marketing efforts will only be made easier by having a large channel of business videos that support each other and explain your product or offer in a myriad of ways to your many customers’ personas. In fact, if you work hard in the beginning you may even be able to leave video answers to posts in social networks.
![Increase Video Marketing Budget to Meet Video Demand](
As the chart above shows mobile video will far outweigh the nearest mobile data usage. Even audio will fall far behind video. Surprisingly mobile web data and VoIP will also be quite small in comparison. It is data like this that proves how powerful video marketing will be for business videos in the future. Since it is clear this is a trend that will only get better it is imperative that you act now and start making business videos right away to carve your little piece of the pie while it is still early.